Unit 10: Earnings and Rewards

This unit discusses how employees may be rewarded for their work, be it in a monetary or non-monetary way. The reading activity further elaborates on the difficulties managers face when it comes to fairly recognizing and rewarding their staff and how to keep them motivated.

Basic actitivies (computer-graded)

This unit contains a vocabulary sheet plus the student activities listed below.
Reading: Earnings and Rewards

This unit discusses how employees may be rewarded for their work, be it in a monetary or non-monetary way. The reading activity further elaborates on the difficulties managers face when it comes to fairly recognizing and rewarding their staff and how to keep them motivated.

Multiple Choice
Pick the correct answer from a list.
Listening Comprehension
Listen to the word and type it in.
Spelling and Recognition
Type in the correct answer for each definition.

Advanced activities (teacher-graded)

Speaking Activity
Record yourself speaking English.
Writing Activity
Pick a question and write about it.